Published on 2023-09-05

Issue Details
Our theme in Issue 13 revolves around connections. From twin sisters renewing their sibling bonds on a mysterious world to the difficulties of managing parenthood as a hologram, and on to an alien captive seeking the warmth of connection from its torturers, these tales explore the need to reach out, find approval, achieve understanding, and be loved.
Featured Stories

Welcome to Issue 13 of DreamForge Anvil
In this issue we open with a great article on hopepunk, “Rewriting the Future,” by Susan Kaye Quinn, then the adventures begin with a search for deadly spells in a “Goblin Market,” by Darrin B...

Rewriting the Future by Susan Kaye Quinn
We last enjoyed Susan’s work in her delightfully engaging hopepunk tale “The Joy Fund” in DreamForge Anvil, Issue 10. In her current article, Susan takes us along on her hopepunk journey of disc...

Writing Resilience by David Hankins
We’re proud to have published David Hankin’s first story “A Properly Spiced Gingerbread” in DreamForge Anvil, Issue 11. Since then, he has gone on to win Writers of the Future and place a numb...

Wulf Moon's SUPER SECRETS: Title is Your First Hook
In this article, Wulf Moon shows us how much weight the words above the byline must bear in “Title is Your First Hook: A Rose by Any Other Name is Not Just as Sweet.” A well-crafted title can evo...

Science Fiction
That Special Ship by Christopher Collingwood
Throughout history, sailors have formed profound emotional connections with their ships, viewing them not just as lifeless vessels but as living entities with souls of their own. For a ship's pilot, t...

Goblin Market by Darrin Bright
All the undead necromancers, the evil stepmothers, the Nothings, the Dark Ones, the World-Devourers, the various Whoever-Shall-Not-Be-Named, they all come to call on Guff’s goblin market at one poin...

Science Fiction
Variegated, I by Jason P. Burnham
What does the shrinking of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot have to do interplanetary communications, cephalopod sentience, and a doctoral dissertation at Yale? There’s little time for Karina to find the ...

Science Fiction
No Hugs for Holographic Fathers by Robert E. Harpold
Tak and Indra fell in love and started their family while living 200 million kilometers apart. Genetic engineering and neurally synched holograms made their life together possible, except when it came...

Science Fiction, Robots & AI
Grasshopper/Ant by Don Mark Baldridge
As a species, we are reaching the point (and may have passed it already) where no matter what calamity befalls our civilization, elements of our instrumentality may last well beyond our accidents and ...

Science Fiction, Aliens
Cold Heart by Victoria Dixon
A moving piece of flash fiction exploring the adjustment an alien makes to deal with the abusive and traumatic experience of its capture and abusive examination. It’s a look at a kind of Stockholm S...

Science Fiction, Far Future, Aliens
Somehow, She Remains by Z.T. Bright
What do you do when your twin sister asks you to take a two-year hiatus from your life on Earth to visit her on an alien planet? When your sibling also announces that she has cancer and has no intenti...

Thank You Anvil Issue 13
We have so many people to thank! Founders, Kickstarter Heroes, Contributors, Friends, Family, and First Line Readers.

If This Goes On
A podcast featuring Cat Rambo, Alan Bailey, Graeme, and Diane Morrison interviewing writers, artists, activists, and gamers.

Super Secrets
Get it now. How to Write a Howling Good Story by Wulf Moon. From NYT best selling author David Farland: "Wulf Moon is showing you exactly how it's done."

Space & Time Magazine
Space & Time Magazine features the best of semi pro horror, science fiction, and fantasy fiction and poetry.

Chatting With Sherri
Join Sherri as she chats with writers, actors and other artists about their work. A fun relaxing chat with all kinds of amazing exciting creative people.

Savage Planets
Savage Planets, where dreams and nightmares collide. Visit Savage Planet's website to get your free digital version of their magazine.