Story Details

Categories Science Fiction
Tak and Indra fell in love and started their family while living 200 million kilometers apart. Genetic engineering and neurally synched holograms made their life together possible, except when it came to the challenge of raising their son. For young Pranil, a few ghostly visits never seemed to make a difference, until one day…
Author Details
Robert E. Harpold has been published in DreamForge, Analog, and Dark Matter, among others. DreamForge is the first magazine to accept two of his stories, so he is excited about that. His urban-fantasy dramedy novel, When the Gods Are Away, is scheduled to be published by Dark Matter INK in 2024. He lives with his amazing and supportive wife and his smart and adventurous daughter. If you want to find him on the internet, you can visit or Instagram at roberteharpold.
No Hugs for Holographic Fathers by Robert E. Harpold
Author Details
Robert E. Harpold has been published in DreamForge, Analog, and Dark Matter, among others. DreamForge is the first magazine to accept two of his stories, so he is excited about that. His urban-fantasy dramedy novel, When the Gods Are Away, is scheduled to be published by Dark Matter INK in 2024. He lives with his amazing and supportive wife and his smart and adventurous daughter. If you want to find him on the internet, you can visit or Instagram at roberteharpold.