Story Details

Categories Science Fiction Robots & AI
As a species, we are reaching the point (and may have passed it already) where no matter what calamity befalls our civilization, elements of our instrumentality may last well beyond our accidents and failures. Will they remain focused on their mission, or shall they reach out to one another and form new connections?
Author Details
Don Mark Baldridge Grasshopper/Ant
Don Mark Baldridge is an American who has lived and worked around the world, spending years at a time in the Eastern Hemisphere or South of the Great 48. The experience has afforded him a global perspective and a wish to see the Earth whole, as from above. An assistant professor of Art and Computer Science with one of those ancient, shade-strewn colleges that dot Pennsylvania, he's spent a lifetime as a performer and musician and can play a wide variety of musical instruments; all about equally badly.
Grasshopper/Ant by Don Mark Baldridge
Author Details
Don Mark Baldridge Grasshopper/Ant
Don Mark Baldridge is an American who has lived and worked around the world, spending years at a time in the Eastern Hemisphere or South of the Great 48. The experience has afforded him a global perspective and a wish to see the Earth whole, as from above. An assistant professor of Art and Computer Science with one of those ancient, shade-strewn colleges that dot Pennsylvania, he's spent a lifetime as a performer and musician and can play a wide variety of musical instruments; all about equally badly.