Story Details
Published on 2023-02-01

In today’s world, we too often see identity in terms of our personal social standing, position, or fame. When asking who we are, it’s well to remember we are most importantly the warp and weft of our family relationships down through the echoes of time, and we are the hope of ages yet to come.
Author Details
Jan pursued a rather circuitous path to reach her impossible dreams. “I always wanted to marry a handsome man, live in a seaport village in a Victorian home, and raise a houseful of children. Check. Double Check. & Check. After eight were raised, (Yes, Eight. That is not a typo!) educated, and out the door, Jan set out to pursue new dreams of travel and personal education. Being awarded two Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarships and while serving as the Fiction Editor for American Athenaeum magazine, she walked across the stage of the “Great Hall” at Aberystwyth University in Wales and was awarded a Ph.D. in 2016. But she considered this just another stepping-stone in her journey. Jan lives in Astoria, Oregon, in the Pacific Coast Rain Forest. A novelist, she enjoys and writes historic fiction/fantasy and loves to explore the depth of layers that multiple storylines create. The motto, "Decisions Determine Destiny", plays heavily in her work.
Who Are You, Little Girl? by JMG Nerenberg
Author Details
Jan pursued a rather circuitous path to reach her impossible dreams. “I always wanted to marry a handsome man, live in a seaport village in a Victorian home, and raise a houseful of children. Check. Double Check. & Check. After eight were raised, (Yes, Eight. That is not a typo!) educated, and out the door, Jan set out to pursue new dreams of travel and personal education. Being awarded two Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarships and while serving as the Fiction Editor for American Athenaeum magazine, she walked across the stage of the “Great Hall” at Aberystwyth University in Wales and was awarded a Ph.D. in 2016. But she considered this just another stepping-stone in her journey. Jan lives in Astoria, Oregon, in the Pacific Coast Rain Forest. A novelist, she enjoys and writes historic fiction/fantasy and loves to explore the depth of layers that multiple storylines create. The motto, "Decisions Determine Destiny", plays heavily in her work.