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Science Fiction, Far Future
Sidha, by Bruce McAllister
When you are a ship that has been traveling the galaxy for a thousand years, and the nanomechs have been repairing your outer skin for those thousand years, you have a lot of scar tissue. Your outer h...
Science Fiction, Far Future
Being Me
Will our species transition from one of nature’s ultimate predator/competitors to a beacon of compassion and conservation? If so, what would they think of us?
Far Future, Science Fiction
Architecture and ecology need not be opposing forces from conflicting worlds. We can build to preserve, conserve to grow, and design combined worlds of towering beauty.
Far Future, Science Fiction
Coming of Age 2150
Winner of the Rhysling and Elgin Awards in speculative fiction poetry, Mary provides a vision of immense power, freedom, aspiration, and destiny.
Science Fiction, Far Future
To Our New Home in the Stars
“The journey was an endless ordeal, but I cherished every single moment of it… we had the blessing of working together, confronting all our hardships together.”
Science Fiction, Far Future
A Certain Talent
800 years hence, humanity is thriving across the solar system. Of course, it will take a certain talent to keep us safe. (First appeared in The Williamson Effect, 1996)
Far Future, Science Fiction, Aliens
The Last Rose Arch
Love is forever, even for a stubborn old man, caring for his land, at the end of the world.
Far Future, Science Fiction
Walker In Leaves
Our species will one day fade into extinction. Just as we craft our own meaning from the world, let us too create our own sapient successors.
Science Fiction, Far Future
Gatherer of Souls
A deep space pilot, prospecting for prespace tunnels, encounters an alien intent on creating a universe spanning intelligence. What does it mean to connect with another soul?