Story Details
Published on 2022-06-26

Categories Science Fiction Far Future
When you are a ship that has been traveling the galaxy for a thousand years, and the nanomechs have been repairing your outer skin for those thousand years, you have a lot of scar tissue. Your outer hull is twice as thick. The starship-class identifier just doesn’t know it and you get a go light. It thinks you’re the same size you once were and realizes too late you’re not.
Author Details
Bruce McAllister’s short fiction and poetry have appeared over the decades in the SFF magazines, literary magazines, “year’s best” volumes, and college textbooks. His Hugo-nominee short story “Kin" was selected to launch LeVar Burton’s new podcast, LEVAR BURTON READS, and the story of the symbolism questionnaire he sent to 150 famous writers when he was sixteen (and just starting to write SF) goes viral occasionally. He grew up with his younger brother in a Navy family, lived on a lot of seas, and now resides (a little restlessly) in southern California.
Sidha, by Bruce McAllister
Author Details
Bruce McAllister’s short fiction and poetry have appeared over the decades in the SFF magazines, literary magazines, “year’s best” volumes, and college textbooks. His Hugo-nominee short story “Kin" was selected to launch LeVar Burton’s new podcast, LEVAR BURTON READS, and the story of the symbolism questionnaire he sent to 150 famous writers when he was sixteen (and just starting to write SF) goes viral occasionally. He grew up with his younger brother in a Navy family, lived on a lot of seas, and now resides (a little restlessly) in southern California.