Story Details

Humans and nature are fundamentally one and the same. We are interconnected, and though it is natural to leverage our position in the ecosystem, approaching the world with respect or rapaciousness can be the choice between life and death.
Author Details
Indiana Tilford is a reformed fishing guide and river rat. When not writing, you can often find him falling into past habits on the water somewhere. Check out his work in Etherea Magazine, and connect with him on Instagram @gotthavepoetryinthename. STORY NOTES FOR "WHERE RIVERS MEET" This story was formed from two things. The first was the great bakeoff, a writing challenge hosted by Dreamforge for its Dreamcasters. The second was Scot suggesting that I write about something I know, the story flowed from there.
Where Rivers Meet, by Indiana Tilford
Author Details
Indiana Tilford is a reformed fishing guide and river rat. When not writing, you can often find him falling into past habits on the water somewhere. Check out his work in Etherea Magazine, and connect with him on Instagram @gotthavepoetryinthename. STORY NOTES FOR "WHERE RIVERS MEET" This story was formed from two things. The first was the great bakeoff, a writing challenge hosted by Dreamforge for its Dreamcasters. The second was Scot suggesting that I write about something I know, the story flowed from there.