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Categories Science Fiction Cli-Fi
As our civilization grows, it will inevitably stress the planet on which we make our home. Of course, humans are not ones to slow down, pull back, and ease up. When we finally use our immense powers to stabilize the world, we may have to make do with post cards of the way things used to be.
Author Details
Shanna Yetman is an environmental writer and Latina living in Chicago. Her fiction has appeared in Cheap Pop, Sky Island Journal, MoonPark Review, the Daily Drunk, Reflex Fiction, New Millennium Writings, Jellyfish Review, Connotation Press, and the Writing Disorder, among other publications. She’s currently an editor for Flash Fiction Magazine. When she’s not writing, she’s running for local office and ensuring her two kids see as much of the natural world as they can before they beg her for screen time. Visit her website STORY NOTES FOR "THREE POSTCARDS FROM ANOTHER EARTH" We all know what it means to live in the Anthropocene---this great geological age defined by chicken bones, plastic, and mankind’s ever-present influence on our planet. Now, we (as humans) have created a hybrid-environment (part natural, part whatever else we’ve put into the world.) And, as our environmental problems get bigger, we’ve begun to think about how we can alter the environment in our favor. Sun dimming is the idea that we can spray sulfite particles in the atmosphere to combat climate change. Think: Volcanoes. So for a long time now, I’ve wondered what it would be like to live in a world that’s just experienced this man-made phenomenon. This is my first science fiction publication.
Three Postcards from Another Earth, by Shanna Yetman
Author Details
Shanna Yetman is an environmental writer and Latina living in Chicago. Her fiction has appeared in Cheap Pop, Sky Island Journal, MoonPark Review, the Daily Drunk, Reflex Fiction, New Millennium Writings, Jellyfish Review, Connotation Press, and the Writing Disorder, among other publications. She’s currently an editor for Flash Fiction Magazine. When she’s not writing, she’s running for local office and ensuring her two kids see as much of the natural world as they can before they beg her for screen time. Visit her website STORY NOTES FOR "THREE POSTCARDS FROM ANOTHER EARTH" We all know what it means to live in the Anthropocene---this great geological age defined by chicken bones, plastic, and mankind’s ever-present influence on our planet. Now, we (as humans) have created a hybrid-environment (part natural, part whatever else we’ve put into the world.) And, as our environmental problems get bigger, we’ve begun to think about how we can alter the environment in our favor. Sun dimming is the idea that we can spray sulfite particles in the atmosphere to combat climate change. Think: Volcanoes. So for a long time now, I’ve wondered what it would be like to live in a world that’s just experienced this man-made phenomenon. This is my first science fiction publication.