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Categories Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy
When an oxycodone habit proves stronger than a witch’s will, a delicate and intricate form of magic is called upon, one with strong threads and whose strands can last a lifetime— the mojo of acceptance and the patterns of faith.
Author Details
Bret Nelson Thread
Bret Nelson is an Emmy Award-winning creator. When he’s not writing stories, he directs TV shows and makes games. Over the years, he's worked with Kermit the Frog, Buzz Lightyear, and Conan the Cimmerian. Right now, he’s working on things he can’t talk about (that’s what the contracts say).
Thread by Bret Nelson
Author Details
Bret Nelson Thread
Bret Nelson is an Emmy Award-winning creator. When he’s not writing stories, he directs TV shows and makes games. Over the years, he's worked with Kermit the Frog, Buzz Lightyear, and Conan the Cimmerian. Right now, he’s working on things he can’t talk about (that’s what the contracts say).