Story Details
Published on 2020-10-26

Categories Fantasy
Is Purgatory a place of purification or one of temporary punishment where souls in need of improvement are made ready for Heaven? Or is it one last chance for the worst of us to show some remorse? Either way, it takes more than a few sweet scents to approach the gates of Heaven.
Author Details
Alicia Hilton is an author, law professor, and former FBI Special Agent. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Akashic Books, Bronzeville Books, Daily Science Fiction, Demain Publishing UK, Vastarien, Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Volumes 4 & 5, and elsewhere. Alicia’s background as a former FBI Agent enables her to offer unique insights about the criminal justice system, law enforcement, and forensic science. Alicia has worked with hundreds of authors, providing manuscript critiques and consulting services. Are you interested in a manuscript critique, consulting services, or would you like Alicia to speak at an event? Contact her at her website
The Perfumer in Purgatory
Author Details
Alicia Hilton is an author, law professor, and former FBI Special Agent. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Akashic Books, Bronzeville Books, Daily Science Fiction, Demain Publishing UK, Vastarien, Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Volumes 4 & 5, and elsewhere. Alicia’s background as a former FBI Agent enables her to offer unique insights about the criminal justice system, law enforcement, and forensic science. Alicia has worked with hundreds of authors, providing manuscript critiques and consulting services. Are you interested in a manuscript critique, consulting services, or would you like Alicia to speak at an event? Contact her at her website