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Categories Fantasy Magical Realism
Young adulthood brings with it the cusp of a new stage of life, when we are both eager and terrified at the same time. What unknowns lie ahead, and what that is familiar and comforting in our lives will we lose forever?
Author Details
Jennifer Hudak The Art of Unpicking Stitches
Jennifer Hudak is a speculative fiction writer fueled mostly by tea. Her work has appeared on both the Locus Magazine and the SFWA recommended reading lists, and has been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Originally from Boston, she now lives with her family in Upstate New York where she teaches yoga, knits pocket-sized animals, and misses the ocean. Story Notes for "The Art of Unpicking Stitches" I wrote this story the summer before my own child headed off to college. It made me remember what it felt like to be on the cusp of a new stage of life--eager and scared at the same time. Experiencing this transition as a parent, I felt a similar mix of excitement and anxiety, and I wrote this story in part as a way to process all of those conflicting emotions. In other words, there's a lot of me in both Mish and her father.
The Art of Unpicking Stitches by Jennifer Hudak
Author Details
Jennifer Hudak The Art of Unpicking Stitches
Jennifer Hudak is a speculative fiction writer fueled mostly by tea. Her work has appeared on both the Locus Magazine and the SFWA recommended reading lists, and has been twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Originally from Boston, she now lives with her family in Upstate New York where she teaches yoga, knits pocket-sized animals, and misses the ocean. Story Notes for "The Art of Unpicking Stitches" I wrote this story the summer before my own child headed off to college. It made me remember what it felt like to be on the cusp of a new stage of life--eager and scared at the same time. Experiencing this transition as a parent, I felt a similar mix of excitement and anxiety, and I wrote this story in part as a way to process all of those conflicting emotions. In other words, there's a lot of me in both Mish and her father.