Story Details

Categories Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy Magical Realism
We all think the world and its treasures are there for us to discover, but some are better left alone. It’s our relationships, the ones that make us who we are, that hold the greatest value, and the search for gold is often just a path toward making new friends.
Author Details
Shannon is a multi-genre writer of stories spanning past, present, and future. Her work has appeared in several publications, including DreamForge Anvil, Air & Nothingness Press, and Third Flatiron. She has a B.A. in Literature-Writing from UC-San Diego. When not writing, she spends her time dancing with horses which she’s found is significantly easier to do with four feet instead of two. She lives in San Diego, CA, with her husband and two cats – one of whom may or may not be a demon in disguise. Visit her at Story Notes for "Pour One Out" This story was inspired by my 30th birthday trip to Belize. While we were having breakfast on the beach, a friend made a joke that included the line, "it all started with a piece of scotch tape," and the story that had been percolating in my brain about jaguars and magic began to finally take shape. I started writing it in my notes on my phone on the plane home, and by the time we landed in LA, the first draft of this story was done. That was January 2020, and as the pandemic took hold, editing shifted the story to be much more of a tale about dealing with and processing grief. Scot Noel read an earlier draft and offered me some revision notes which developed this final version of "Pour One Out."
Pour One Out by Shannon Fox
Author Details
Shannon is a multi-genre writer of stories spanning past, present, and future. Her work has appeared in several publications, including DreamForge Anvil, Air & Nothingness Press, and Third Flatiron. She has a B.A. in Literature-Writing from UC-San Diego. When not writing, she spends her time dancing with horses which she’s found is significantly easier to do with four feet instead of two. She lives in San Diego, CA, with her husband and two cats – one of whom may or may not be a demon in disguise. Visit her at Story Notes for "Pour One Out" This story was inspired by my 30th birthday trip to Belize. While we were having breakfast on the beach, a friend made a joke that included the line, "it all started with a piece of scotch tape," and the story that had been percolating in my brain about jaguars and magic began to finally take shape. I started writing it in my notes on my phone on the plane home, and by the time we landed in LA, the first draft of this story was done. That was January 2020, and as the pandemic took hold, editing shifted the story to be much more of a tale about dealing with and processing grief. Scot Noel read an earlier draft and offered me some revision notes which developed this final version of "Pour One Out."