Story Details
Categories Science Fiction Diverse
Set in a world where time becomes malleable, the narrative follows the experiences of Keeya and Guin, two lovers navigating a universe nearing its end, where the collapse of time creates unexpected separations and reunions. This touching tale blends elements of physics and romance, exploring the complexities of love in a world where basic continuity is no longer a given.
Author Details
William Campbell Powell Love and Beans in Thin Times
William lives in a small Buckinghamshire village in England. By night he writes speculative, historical, crime and other fiction. His debut novel, EXPIRATION DAY, was published by Tor Teen in 2014 and won the 2015 Hal Clement Award for better than half-decent science in a YA novel – the citation actually says "Excellence in Children's Science Fiction Literature". His short fiction has also appeared in Metastellar, Abyss & Apex and other excellent 'zines. By day he writes software for a living and in the twilight he sings tenor, plays guitar and writes songs. Story Notes for "Love and Beans in Thin Times" 'Physics is Fun', my teacher used to say, and he had a T-shirt to prove it. This story came out of nowhere when I should have been editing a novel. Yes, I was having fun with the physics, and the puns, but it was always a love story, which my crit group realized straight away. But it was a bit too bleak, weak and unlikely in that first draft, until Keeya/I had that final revelation, turning its very implausibility into its strength. He said, modestly.
Love and Beans in Thin Times, by William Campbell Powell
Author Details
William Campbell Powell Love and Beans in Thin Times
William lives in a small Buckinghamshire village in England. By night he writes speculative, historical, crime and other fiction. His debut novel, EXPIRATION DAY, was published by Tor Teen in 2014 and won the 2015 Hal Clement Award for better than half-decent science in a YA novel – the citation actually says "Excellence in Children's Science Fiction Literature". His short fiction has also appeared in Metastellar, Abyss & Apex and other excellent 'zines. By day he writes software for a living and in the twilight he sings tenor, plays guitar and writes songs. Story Notes for "Love and Beans in Thin Times" 'Physics is Fun', my teacher used to say, and he had a T-shirt to prove it. This story came out of nowhere when I should have been editing a novel. Yes, I was having fun with the physics, and the puns, but it was always a love story, which my crit group realized straight away. But it was a bit too bleak, weak and unlikely in that first draft, until Keeya/I had that final revelation, turning its very implausibility into its strength. He said, modestly.