Story Details
Published on 2020-07-02

Categories Science Fiction Hard SF
There will be gentle places, elysian cities, and still the best of us will struggle with purpose, dissatisfied with anything less than a worthy vocation.
Author Details
Besides selling thirty-odd short stories, twenty-some poems and a few comics and games, Marie Vibbert has been a medieval (SCA) squire, ridden 17% of the roller coasters in the United States and has played O-line and D-line for the Cleveland Fusion women’s tackle football team. Her work has been called “..the embodiment of what science fiction should be…” by The Oxford Culture Review. Learn more at
Illustrator Details
Jane is the Founder of Chroma Marketing Essentials, a digital marketing agency located in Jeannette PA. She holds a degree in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and more years of experience than she cares to count. Before founding CME, Jane worked as an Artist, Art Lead, Art Director, and Project Manager for the computer game developer DreamForge Intertainment, where she worked on a number of early computer games, including Roger Zelazny’s Chronomaster. Jane, a lifetime fan of science-fiction and fantasy, has joined her husband Scot in forming DreamForge Magazine.
Loitering with Mathematical Intent
Author Details
Besides selling thirty-odd short stories, twenty-some poems and a few comics and games, Marie Vibbert has been a medieval (SCA) squire, ridden 17% of the roller coasters in the United States and has played O-line and D-line for the Cleveland Fusion women’s tackle football team. Her work has been called “..the embodiment of what science fiction should be…” by The Oxford Culture Review. Learn more at
Illustrator Details
Jane is the Founder of Chroma Marketing Essentials, a digital marketing agency located in Jeannette PA. She holds a degree in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and more years of experience than she cares to count. Before founding CME, Jane worked as an Artist, Art Lead, Art Director, and Project Manager for the computer game developer DreamForge Intertainment, where she worked on a number of early computer games, including Roger Zelazny’s Chronomaster. Jane, a lifetime fan of science-fiction and fantasy, has joined her husband Scot in forming DreamForge Magazine.