Story Details
Categories Science Fiction SolarPunk
This reprint originally appeared in the July 2022 issue of Fireside magazine and we are proud to give it a new home. In this tale, Somto Ihezue reminds us that our growing civilization is not the only danger that stands between us and the future, but we are the only ones who can maintain hope and work to restore the natural world.
Author Details
Somto Ihezue(He/Him) is a Nigerian–Igbo writer. He was awarded the 2021 African Youth Network Movement Fiction Prize. A Nommo Award-nominee and a finalist for the 2022 Afritondo Prize, his works have appeared in Tordotcom: Africa Risen Anthology, Fireside Magazine, POETRY Magazine, Cossmass Infinities, Flash Fiction Online, Africa In Dialogue, OnSpec, Omenana Magazine, and others. Somto is an alumnus of Milford SF Writers ’22, Voodoonauts’22, and will be attending Clarion West’23. He is a member of SFWA, BSFA, BFS, ASFS, and CODEX. He is an associate editor with Android Press, Apex Magazine, and Cast of Wonders. He tweets @somto_Ihezue. BRIEF NOTE ABOUT "LIKE STARS DARING TO SHINE" There is a review of “Like Stars Daring To Shine” in Locus Magazine, and the reviewer said, “Ihezue captures a sense of imminent danger, everything hanging on a thin thread of community and inequality, while also showing that people, and the natural world, are full of surprises and resilience. The piece challenges what recovery can look like, and through the grim implications of the ravaged Earth and all its coldness, there remains some warmth to find in the story.” This review in its entirety portrays what this story means to me.
Like Stars Daring To Shine, by Somto Ihezue
Author Details
Somto Ihezue(He/Him) is a Nigerian–Igbo writer. He was awarded the 2021 African Youth Network Movement Fiction Prize. A Nommo Award-nominee and a finalist for the 2022 Afritondo Prize, his works have appeared in Tordotcom: Africa Risen Anthology, Fireside Magazine, POETRY Magazine, Cossmass Infinities, Flash Fiction Online, Africa In Dialogue, OnSpec, Omenana Magazine, and others. Somto is an alumnus of Milford SF Writers ’22, Voodoonauts’22, and will be attending Clarion West’23. He is a member of SFWA, BSFA, BFS, ASFS, and CODEX. He is an associate editor with Android Press, Apex Magazine, and Cast of Wonders. He tweets @somto_Ihezue. BRIEF NOTE ABOUT "LIKE STARS DARING TO SHINE" There is a review of “Like Stars Daring To Shine” in Locus Magazine, and the reviewer said, “Ihezue captures a sense of imminent danger, everything hanging on a thin thread of community and inequality, while also showing that people, and the natural world, are full of surprises and resilience. The piece challenges what recovery can look like, and through the grim implications of the ravaged Earth and all its coldness, there remains some warmth to find in the story.” This review in its entirety portrays what this story means to me.