Story Details
Published on 2022-05-27
Categories Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy
Even the most casual baseball fan has heard of Satchel Paige, or at least bits of his legend. About how he placed a gum-wrapper on home plate and threw three strikes in a row over it to win his first pro contract. The truth is actually stranger and much more impressive. I know. I was there at the beginning and at the end, and much of the in-betweens.
Author Details
John Jos. Miller Don't Look Back
John Jos. Miller is a science fiction author known for his work in the long-running Wild Cards shared universe series of original anthologies and novels, edited by George R. R. Martin. He has also published nine novels, and nearly 30 short stories and eight comic book scripts. Story Notes for Don’t Look Back: All I've got to say about “Don’t Look Back” is that all the historical details are accurate, down to the weather as described in the final Kansas City section. Kind of a labor of love on my part.
Don't Look Back, by John Jos. Miller
Author Details
John Jos. Miller Don't Look Back
John Jos. Miller is a science fiction author known for his work in the long-running Wild Cards shared universe series of original anthologies and novels, edited by George R. R. Martin. He has also published nine novels, and nearly 30 short stories and eight comic book scripts. Story Notes for Don’t Look Back: All I've got to say about “Don’t Look Back” is that all the historical details are accurate, down to the weather as described in the final Kansas City section. Kind of a labor of love on my part.