Story Details

Categories Science Fiction CyberPunk
As the author tells us: “Modern artificial intelligence is a stunted toy, but someday we’ll have artificial minds worthy of the name. They won’t be anything like humans, and we’ll seem as mysterious to them as they do to us.”
Author Details
Benjamin C. Kinney is a neuroscientist, SFF writer, and assistant editor of the science fiction magazine Escape Pod. He’s never made a cyborg bird, and he hasn’t made any cyborg monkeys since 2008. You can follow him on Twitter @BenCKinney or find more of his stories via Story Notes for "Conference of the Birds" Modern artificial intelligence is a stunted toy, but someday we’ll have artificial minds worthy of the name. They won’t be anything like humans, and we’ll seem as mysterious to them as they do to us. This story finds one approach to bridging that gap, without losing sight of the oppressive tools that have become the trunk of AI’s evolutionary history. You can read more about all of this in the online essay that accompanied this story’s original publication:
Conference of the Birds by Benjamin C. Kinney
Author Details
Benjamin C. Kinney is a neuroscientist, SFF writer, and assistant editor of the science fiction magazine Escape Pod. He’s never made a cyborg bird, and he hasn’t made any cyborg monkeys since 2008. You can follow him on Twitter @BenCKinney or find more of his stories via Story Notes for "Conference of the Birds" Modern artificial intelligence is a stunted toy, but someday we’ll have artificial minds worthy of the name. They won’t be anything like humans, and we’ll seem as mysterious to them as they do to us. This story finds one approach to bridging that gap, without losing sight of the oppressive tools that have become the trunk of AI’s evolutionary history. You can read more about all of this in the online essay that accompanied this story’s original publication: