Story Details
Published on 2019-12-05

Categories Science Fiction Time Travel
A humorous story of a successful author inspired by a science-fiction convention.
Author Details
Paul Dellinger
Paul Dellinger is a former newspaper reporter who writes science fiction and fantasy stories, many of which are collected in the book Mr. Lazarus and Other Stories. He's loved SF since childhood and has published stories starting when he was in the army and then throughout his newspaper career. In retirement, he partnered with another fellow reporter, Tom Angleberger, to write a kid lit novel, Fuzzy, published by Abrams.
Illustrator Details
Mark Zingarelli is a freelance illustrator, cartoonist and writer working in the publishing, design and entertainment industry. His illustrations and comic strips have appeared in most of the major magazines and newspapers in the U.S, including The New Yorker, Esquire, Newsweek, Businessweek,Time, Entertainment Weekly, Fast Company, Fortune, New York Magazine, Boston Globe, The Washington Post, LA Weekly, Chicago Reader, The Village Voice, and many more. As our Illustration and Art Director, his guidance, contacts in the industry, and contributions help make DreamForge something special.
Con Man
Author Details
Paul Dellinger
Paul Dellinger is a former newspaper reporter who writes science fiction and fantasy stories, many of which are collected in the book Mr. Lazarus and Other Stories. He's loved SF since childhood and has published stories starting when he was in the army and then throughout his newspaper career. In retirement, he partnered with another fellow reporter, Tom Angleberger, to write a kid lit novel, Fuzzy, published by Abrams.
Illustrator Details
Mark Zingarelli is a freelance illustrator, cartoonist and writer working in the publishing, design and entertainment industry. His illustrations and comic strips have appeared in most of the major magazines and newspapers in the U.S, including The New Yorker, Esquire, Newsweek, Businessweek,Time, Entertainment Weekly, Fast Company, Fortune, New York Magazine, Boston Globe, The Washington Post, LA Weekly, Chicago Reader, The Village Voice, and many more. As our Illustration and Art Director, his guidance, contacts in the industry, and contributions help make DreamForge something special.