Story Details
Categories Science Fiction Near Future
We live in a world where many are driven from their homes, alienated from their communities, and even cast out from their own families. Our humanity lies in principle of showing kindness, compassion, and mercy to those who are marginalized or outcast. That is the way.
Author Details
Gretchen Tessmer Aslylum
Gretchen Tessmer is a writer/attorney based in the U.S./Canadian borderlands. She writes both short fiction and poetry (way too much poetry), with work appearing in Nature, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Fantasy & Science Fiction, among others. Her poems have been nominated for the Pushcart, Rhysling and Dwarf Stars awards. Poetry Notes: This little poem was sparked to life by a random Taylor Swift lyric about finding home in someone's eyes, sent to me as a prompt by a dear friend (thanks, Anna!). I always find it absolutely inspiring that sometimes the biggest twist in a story/poem (and life) is just a simple act of unexpected kindness.
Asylum by Gretchen Tessmer
Author Details
Gretchen Tessmer Aslylum
Gretchen Tessmer is a writer/attorney based in the U.S./Canadian borderlands. She writes both short fiction and poetry (way too much poetry), with work appearing in Nature, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Fantasy & Science Fiction, among others. Her poems have been nominated for the Pushcart, Rhysling and Dwarf Stars awards. Poetry Notes: This little poem was sparked to life by a random Taylor Swift lyric about finding home in someone's eyes, sent to me as a prompt by a dear friend (thanks, Anna!). I always find it absolutely inspiring that sometimes the biggest twist in a story/poem (and life) is just a simple act of unexpected kindness.