Story Details
Categories Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy
Sometimes, the future hinges on a whisker of a moment. In this flash fiction, we look in on one such moment, as two beings with a troubled past find themselves side by side in “that folded dimension between a promise and a lie,” as “lurking creatures tick forward in the dark.”
Author Details
Ana Sun Against the Time Beasts
Ana Sun (pronounced “Soon”) writes from the edge of an ancient town along the River Ouse in the south-east of England. She spent her childhood in Malaysian Borneo, and has lived on two other islands prior to moving to the UK. In another life, she might have been a musician, an anthropologist—or a botanist obsessed with edible flowers. STORY NOTES FOR "AGAINST THE TIME BEASTS" “Against the Time Beasts” is the first of a set of tales where the title of each story corresponds to a line in a poem — examining time, entropy and the moments of minute deaths.
Against the Time Beasts, by Ana Sun
Author Details
Ana Sun Against the Time Beasts
Ana Sun (pronounced “Soon”) writes from the edge of an ancient town along the River Ouse in the south-east of England. She spent her childhood in Malaysian Borneo, and has lived on two other islands prior to moving to the UK. In another life, she might have been a musician, an anthropologist—or a botanist obsessed with edible flowers. STORY NOTES FOR "AGAINST THE TIME BEASTS" “Against the Time Beasts” is the first of a set of tales where the title of each story corresponds to a line in a poem — examining time, entropy and the moments of minute deaths.