Story Details
Published on 2022-06-14

Categories Fantasy Magical Realism
Humans often think of themselves as a spirit in a body. Demons also seek a physical form to join our world and will take any opportunity that presents itself to a malevolent spirit. Given the right circumstances, a bad batch of gingerbread could prove terrifying.
Author Details
David Hankins About A Properly Spiced Gingerbread
David Hankins writes from the thriving cornfields of Iowa. His writing journey began years ago in Germany as he made up stories to convince his daughter to go to sleep, which always backfired. Those midnight ramblings developed into a passion for creating new worlds while exploring the idiosyncrasies of this one. David joined the US Army after college and, through some glitch in the bureaucracy, convinced them to fund his wanderlust for twenty years. He has lived in and traveled through much of Europe, central Asia, and the United States. Eventually, he hopes to fund his wanderlust through writing. Story Notes for About A Properly Spiced Gingerbread I wrote “A Properly Spiced Gingerbread” during one of Wulf Moon’s Kill Your Darlings (KYD) Master Workshops (see DreamForge Anvil Issue 5 to learn about KYDs). My first thousand words were rambling nonsense. Barely the framework of a story. Through the KYD process, I compressed that to 250 words, and this story was born. That is the power of the KYD exercise: to find the beating heart of your story. Expanded back up for publication, “A Properly Spiced Gingerbread” is a story about solving your mistakes through grit, faith, and ingenuity.
A Properly Spiced Gingerbread, by David Hankins
Author Details
David Hankins About A Properly Spiced Gingerbread
David Hankins writes from the thriving cornfields of Iowa. His writing journey began years ago in Germany as he made up stories to convince his daughter to go to sleep, which always backfired. Those midnight ramblings developed into a passion for creating new worlds while exploring the idiosyncrasies of this one. David joined the US Army after college and, through some glitch in the bureaucracy, convinced them to fund his wanderlust for twenty years. He has lived in and traveled through much of Europe, central Asia, and the United States. Eventually, he hopes to fund his wanderlust through writing. Story Notes for About A Properly Spiced Gingerbread I wrote “A Properly Spiced Gingerbread” during one of Wulf Moon’s Kill Your Darlings (KYD) Master Workshops (see DreamForge Anvil Issue 5 to learn about KYDs). My first thousand words were rambling nonsense. Barely the framework of a story. Through the KYD process, I compressed that to 250 words, and this story was born. That is the power of the KYD exercise: to find the beating heart of your story. Expanded back up for publication, “A Properly Spiced Gingerbread” is a story about solving your mistakes through grit, faith, and ingenuity.