DreamForge Anvil | Issue 15
In Issue 15, we explore changing worlds and see through the eyes of characters whose challenge is to meet change with intelligence, humanity, and the tenacity of our species. We meet AI that promise to solve all our problems and then mysteriously take their leave; travel through a portal where conventional standards of propriety must be left behind; search for desires beyond those of passion and success; puzzle out an n-body problem to find a message as old as the Earth itself; and deal with unknown dangers by using a perfect B-flat.
Our Contributors
Barbara A. Barnett
The Pitch Pipe Forest
Barbara A. Barnett is a Philadelphia-area writer, musician, Odyssey Writing Workshop graduate, occasional orchestra librarian, coffee addict, and all-around geek. Her short stories have appeared in publications such as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Cast of Wonders, Weird Horror Magazine, and GigaNotoSaurus. You can find her online at babarnett.com.


I’m a musician, so not too surprisingly, a lot of my characters are too. More specifically, I write a lot of musicians who, like Clara in this story and like me in real life, wrestle with our perfectionist side getting in the way of our feeling side when performing.

I can't remember where the idea of a forest made of pitch pipes came from. Whatever the inspiration, I wasn't quite sure what to do with the idea at first, so I brainstormed it with some fellow Odyssey graduates at a summer workshop. They helped me come up with lots of fantastic possibilities to explore, like how such a forest might affect birdsong and the idea of including a deaf character who would experience the forest differently than my protagonist with perfect pitch. Having a house that backs up to a woodsy area full of critters, including some pesky beavers, didn't hurt either when it came to looking for inspiration.

Grant Carrington
The Chair
Grant Carrington, former associate editor of Amazing, is the author of 3 novels and a collection published by Brief Candle Press of Beaverton, Oregon. Grant's "Sweet Apocalypse" appeared in Dream Forge Anvil No. 7 and his "The All-Night Bookstore" appeared in DreamForge Anvil No. 14.
Priya Chand
The Migration of Birds Through the City of Glass
Priya Chand currently resides in the vicinity of Chicago, a setting that inspired this story, along with her pandemic-acquired hobby of birding. She has also been published in venues including Clarkesworld and Daily Science Fiction, edited nonfiction for Reckoning 7, and can be found online at priyachandwrites.wordpress.com.


This one's very much reflective of my own journey from seeing nature purely as backdrop - or, as a biology major, study material - to enjoying it in its own right.

Mandy D. Chew & Jonathan G. Chew
The Desire Broker
Mandy and Jonathan love building new worlds together that inspire positivity. Their collaborative ventures stem from their shared love of Star Trek and Dr. Who. (Jonathan even proposed using a TARDIS ring box! The future was on the inside, hehe…) They both have a background in themed entertainment and are both honored recipients of THEA awards for various world-building projects at Disney and other theme park companies. They love spending their time going to immersive theater and time-traveling with their thoughts and imagination.

Choose to follow them at chewsjoy.com


We came across an interesting thought experiment that said, “Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired.” That got us thinking about what if, in the far future, society had access to this and even used emotions as the new currency. What would humans pursue, get obsessed with, and possibly lose in the process? It was fun to explore this story through the eyes of a young Desire Broker amidst a society evolving to appreciate the vastness of the human experience. 
Herb Kauderer
Change of Profession
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College near Buffalo, NY. He holds a PhD in Popular Literature from the University at Buffalo, an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College, and five other college degrees. He is the author of four books and fifteen chapbooks of poetry. Herb’s book THE SNOWSTORM OF ’14: POEMS FROM THE FRONT LINES (2016) recounts the experience of living at the epicenter of two of the worst snowstorms in the lower 48 states. More information is available at HerbKauderer.com
Marion Koob
Marion Koob is originally from France, but she has been living in England for over fifteen years: in London, Cambridge, Liverpool and now rural Wiltshire. She works as a freelance copywriter. Her short fiction has also appeared in Old Moon Quarterly. When she's not reading or writing, she loves hiking in forests, or by the sea.


It's almost become a cliché now: we've never been more connected, and we've perhaps never felt more alone. In this story I wanted to explore the idea of communication-without-contact in a cosy fantasy setting. How would a society in which people never speak face-to-face work? And how would they react to encountering something different? I also love reading ethnographies and immersion journalism, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring this into a story.
Arthur Manners
Empty Nest
Arthur H. Manners is a British writer of speculative fiction, and lives near Cambridge (the real one) with his partner and his cat. His PhD focused on the magnetic field at Jupiter, and he spent some time working as a data scientist. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in places like Drabblecast and the anthology Divergent Realms, and he received the Writers of the Future award in 2023. He tweets once a century under @a_h_manners and fails at Instagram under docmanners. Find him and follow his newsletter at www.arthurmanners.com
Wulf Moon
Wulf Moon's SUPER SECRETS: Neutral Character Arc - When Nothing is Everything
Wulf Moon learned oral storytelling as a child when he lived with his Chippewa grandmother. He begged stories from her every night and usually got his wish—fireside tales that fired his imagination. If Moon had a time machine, those are the days he would go back to. Since he doesn’t have a time machine, he writes.

Moon wrote his first science fiction story at fifteen. It won the national Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and became his first professional sale in Science World. He has won over forty writing awards, and thirty in public speaking. His stories have appeared in Writers of the Future Vol. 35, Best of Deep Magic 2, Galaxy's Edge, Best of Third Flatiron , and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2 . Moon is a professional voice-over actor and has done work for magazines and bestselling authors Jeff Wheeler, Mike Resnick, and Will McIntosh. 

Wulf Moon's award-winning SUPER SECRETS Writing Resource and Workshops have been attributed by many aspiring writers as the secret to their success in obtaining first professional sales and winning major contests. You can discover Moon's books on writing by visiting his website. Want in on the Secrets? JOIN THE WULF PACK at www.thesupersecrets.com!
Bret Nelson
Bret Nelson is an Emmy Award-winning creator. When he’s not writing stories, he directs TV shows and makes games. Over the years, he's worked with Kermit the Frog, Buzz Lightyear, and Conan the Cimmerian. Right now, he’s working on things he can’t talk about (that’s what the contracts say).
DreamForge Staff
Jane Noel
Graphic Design, Layout, Illustration
Jane is the Founder of Chroma Marketing Essentials, a digital marketing agency located in Jeannette PA.  She holds a degree in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and more years of experience than she cares to count.
Before founding CME, Jane worked as an Artist, Art Lead, Art Director, and Project Manager for the computer game developer DreamForge Intertainment, where she worked on a number of early computer games, including Roger Zelazny’s Chronomaster.
Scot Noel
Editor, Editorial Selections, Essays, and more.
Scot Noel is a content writer for websites, blogs, social media, e-newsletters, and the like. Speculative fiction has always been his obsession, resulting in a Writers of the Future 2nd place win in 1990, a 7-year career in computer game development, and a handful of published stories, ranging from far future and zombie fiction to the tale of a fairy sheriff fighting an evil dragon. He serves as the editor and publisher of DreamForge Magazine and DreamForge Anvil.
Henry Gasko
Editorial Assistant
Henry Gasko was born in a displaced persons camp in Yugoslavia after World War Two. He was raised on a vegetable farm in Canada, and emigrated to Australia more than forty years ago. He has recently retired from a career in data analysis and medical research.

Henry has had stories published in the anthologies "Dreamworks", “Alternate Apocalypse”, “On Time”, in Australia's  Aurealis  magazine, and in the  SciPhi Journal .  He is a two-time semi-finalist in The Writers of the Future and he won first prize in Positive Writer's "Why I Write" essay contest. He also won the 2018 Sapiens Plurum short story competition, and came third in the 2020 competition.

When he is not writing, he enjoys cycling, kayaking, swimming and playing bridge.
Catherine Weaver
Editorial Assistant
Catherine Weaver is a writer, editor and educator from the San Francisco Bay Area, where her family has lived for four generations. 

She is the author of two Middle Grade fantasy novels, one bilingual English/Japanese picture book, and many short stories.

For the past ten years, she has been a freelance proofreader and editor, and has helped dozens of self-published authors of all genres bring their work into the world.

She has spent over forty years volunteering with her church in literacy and education programs in her community.

Her books are on Amazon and Goodreads and her website is: https://catherineweaverauthor.com/