| Thank You to Our Sponsors We’d like to give a special thank you to a few of the individuals that provided sponsorships through Kickstarter or Patreon. Their generous gifts have helped us buy great stories all year long. We thank you. |
Jan Nerenberg Jan lives in Astoria, Oregon, in the Pacific Coast Rain Forest. A novelist, she enjoys and writes historic fiction/fantasy and loves to explore the depth of layers that multiple storylines create. The motto, "Decisions Determine Destiny," plays heavily in her work.
Published both in print anthologies and online, Jan has earned several awards from Writers of The Future, including Semi-Finalist.
She currently serves as an Admin on David Farland’s Apex Writers Facebook group, created First Page Writers and is co-Admin of Apex SFF Writers on https://www.apex-writers.com/
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 | Henry Gasko Henry Gasko was born in a displaced persons camp in Yugoslavia after World War Two, was raised on a vegetable farm in Canada, and is now living in Australia. He has recently retired from a career in data analysis and medical research.
He has had stories published in the anthologies "Dreamworks," “Alternate Apocalypse,” “On Time” in Australia's Aurealis magazine, and in the SciPhi Journal.
Henry has been a two-time semi-finalist in The Writers of the Future. He won first prize in Positive Writer's "Why I Write" essay contest. He also won first prize in the 2018 Sapiens Plurum short story competition, and came third prize in the 2020 competition. His novella “The Flight of the Brolga” (published in DreamForge Magazine) appeared in Tangent Magazine’s list of Top 50 speculative fiction stories for 2020.
Candice Lisle Candice is a short story F&SF writer who currently lives in Saint Louis, Missouri by The Arch.
She is a DreamCaster and is also a member of Apex Writer’s Group, ChiCon 8, Codex, SFWA, and Wulf Moon’s Writers Group The Wulf Pack. Her stories can be found in Daily Science Fiction, Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, Sci Fi Lampoon, and the LTUE anthology, Parliament of Wizards. She has two Silver Honorable Mentions and six Honorable Mentions from The Writers of the Future. Her latest drabble will be published soon in Martian Magazine
Stories are her food, and she requires constant feeding.
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 | Alecia Flores As a former military 'brat,' Alicia moved a lot and learned to adapt and enjoy new people and places. She have a BA in Gothic Art History with a minor in Medieval History from UC Davis (Go Ags!) but worked in hi tech as a quality expert/project manager & got to clear up problems all over the world.
She’s written training manuals, created and taught courses on quality standards and techniques, data warehousing, and other hi techy things. She’s happily married, and she and her husband have traveled to more parts of the world than they haven't.
She’s been reading SF/F since the 60s and now serves as one of DreamForge’s First Line Readers. She finds reading these submissions has been crazy fun