Sovereign Ice is a 200,000 word epic adventure in world where Earth's collision with a cloud of alien nano-bots has transformed the globe into a landscape of ice and magic.
Six more chapters of this 200,000 word saga to take you deeper into the world of Sovereign Ice. “Not long after the first quake, the mountain shook again, and yet again. It shook until a regular pounding rhythm broke into the darkness and awakened Maya from her grief. When it had begun, the thundering rattle of stone was in response to Maya’s terrifying vision. But this shaking, this determined pounding, was different. Something outside now, beyond the protective stone, was driving its way in.”
In each issue of DreamForge Anvil, we'll present a serialized version several chapters at a time. All DreamForge Anvil subscribers receive a complete eBook of the massive story at the end of the year.  Just follow the link below to enter Part Four.