Facing the Dark
Published on 2021-10-16

Issue Details
An optimistic outlook does not guarantee success. Hope, like courage, is the ability to strive for positive outcomes in an uncertain world. While perseverance and capability provide the muscle, in the absence of hope we have no motivation to advance, to prosper, and to thrive against all odds.
Featured Stories

Welcome to Issue 5 of DreamForge Anvil
An optimistic outlook does not guarantee success. Hope, like courage, is the ability to strive for positive outcomes in an uncertain world. While perseverance and capability provide the muscle, in the...

E.T. and the Hope of the Aliens
With the launch of the James Webb space telescope, we’re soon to find evidence of extraterrestrial life. Whether it is tomorrow or a hundred years from now, contact with alien civilizations will fol...

The Story Plotting Game
Theory and explanations only go so far. Everyone needs a way to exercise their brain in some basic story patterns, so we created “The Plotting Game.” It can be done as a solo exercise, but is desi...

Wulf Moon’s SUPER SECRETS: “KYD: Kill Your Darlings!”
Stephen King said it best. "Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings." We need to be ruthless with our work— every w...

Fantasy, Humorous
Harbinie of Death, by J.J. Litke
Reprint from Farstrider Magazine. “It’s a sign,” the raven called back. “Like an augury, or a harbinie.” Parker considered that for a moment. “You mean a harbinger?” “Oh, yes!” The r...

Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy
Mermaids in the Garden, by Elaine Cunningham
I was unsettled by the sight of a toy-sized mermaid dangling from the heron’s beak, her wild, piping cries lost to the wind as the bird winged toward the nearby shore. The other five mermaids leapt ...

Science Fiction, Aliens
Gifts, by Anonymous | Story Review
This tale is both a gift, given to us to help with our writing exercises, and is itself about gifts, when an extraterrestrial civilization decides that Earth needs some galactic emergency management a...

Fantasy, Fantasy
Kill Your Darlings, by A.J. Mietke
It all started with a strange feeling of fading away, an eerie sense of dissociation from the world I’d inhabited, taken for granted and never questioned. The terrifying realization I existed only o...

Science Fiction
Unlinked, by Kelley Stead
I wrote about the inevitable downfall of humanity in the face of automation. My work had spurred a small revolution of workers, desperate not to lose their positions to machines. The implants changed ...

Fantasy, Urban Fantasy
Our Kind, by Crystal Crawford
Visions are rare, even among the Morrig fae bloodline, though Mom says my great-grandmother Tila had them, too. I get scenes in my head like a skipping DVD, always with parts missing. I know Margaret ...

Thank You Anvil Issue 5
We have so many people to thank! Founders, Kickstarter Heroes, Contributors, Friends, Family, and First Line Readers.

Science Fiction, Adventure
Sovereign Ice, Part 5
Five more chapters of this 200,000 word saga as the world of Sovereign Ice drives toward its exciting conclusion. “Atlatl spears flew, one after the next, filling the air with the sound of arrows fi...

Sci-Fi Saturday Night
Join The Dome, Commander Cam, Kriana, and Zombrarian as they discuss scienciction, science fact, fantasy and whatever they think is cool, in between celebrity interviews.

If This Goes On
A podcast featuring Cat Rambo, Alan Bailey, Graeme, and Diane Morrison interviewing writers, artists, activists, and gamers.

Super Secrets
Get it now. How to Write a Howling Good Story by Wulf Moon. From NYT best selling author David Farland: "Wulf Moon is showing you exactly how it's done."

Space & Time Magazine
Space & Time Magazine features the best of semi pro horror, science fiction, and fantasy fiction and poetry.

Savage Planets
Savage Planets, where dreams and nightmares collide. Visit Savage Planet's website to get your free digital version of their magazine.

Chatting With Sherri
Join Sherri as she chats with writers, actors and other artists about their work. A fun relaxing chat with all kinds of amazing exciting creative people.

Russ's Rockin' Rollercoaster!
Check out Russ's Rockin' Rollercoaster for live podcasts with SSF Authors. Check the latest schedule at russcolchamiro.com